Sacrament certificate requests are available for those who have received a sacrament at All Saints Catholic Church.
How to request a Sacrament Certificate
Please complete the inquiry form below.
Time frame
Forms will be printed and made available 1 week from the Sacrament Certificate request date.
Obtaining Sacrament Certificates
Sacrament Certificates may be picked up at the All Saints Administration office Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The person picking up a Sacrament Certificate must be the person named in the certificate or the parent of a person under 18 years of age. A valid and current ID or Passport is required upon receiving a Sacrament Certificate.
USPS Snail Mail
Sacrament Certificates are not available through USPS snail mail.
Electronic Mail
Sacrament Certificates are not available by email.
Available Sacrament Certificates for Request
Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Profession of Faith, and Marriage