With every gift offering that you submit, you are supporting our mission to continue building and enriching our community, making available opportunities for education and learning, supporting ministry growth, and the fulfillment of making faithful stewards of time by following the example of Jesus, God Faithful One, who calls us to serve one another.
Thank you for supporting All Saints.
Ministry One
Secure Online Giving Click Here
You may place cash or checks payable to All Saints Catholic Church into the offering plate during Mass. You may also mail it in or drop it by the church office from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Write your envelope number in the memo field if you submit a check. If you do not have an envelope number, write "offering" in the memo field.
Mail checks to:
All Saints Catholic Church
215 East Tenth Street
Houston, Texas 77008-7025