As with all things, one must start at the beginning. The Sacrament of Baptism is necessary, for it is the gateway to all other Sacraments.
A special note for parents: First and foremost, congratulations on your decision to have your child baptized in the Catholic faith. Parents who are seeking to have their child baptized at All Saints are required to be adequately prepared for both living out the commitment they are making to raise their baptized child in the Catholic faith and for being able to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with a clear understanding of the Sacrament.
A special note for adults seeking to enter the Catholic Faith: You have made a beautiful decision in your personal and spiritual journey. You will gain preparation and enrichment through a process known as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), which will be important in preparing you to live out your commitment to the Catholic faith.
A child's birth certificate issued by the State or City of birth is NECESSARY at the time of baptismal registration.
For baptism schedules for those wishing Spanish, contact Lupe Padilla.